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2018.08.01 This Summer, Launching.

  • (before) Anistrap.
  • Located at new server. (Windows Server/Apache2.x/PHP7.x/MariaDB5.x)
  • Updated “Korean WP” – WordPressKR (v.4.9.x)
  • With awesome theme “Hueman Pro”
  • And beautiful theme color “sakura”, “pastel_lovely”


Pastel Lovely

We provide a lot of information about programming languages and website creation. (C, C++, JAVA, Batch, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, Node.js …etc.)

We also want to be with you on many projects that we will start in the future. The project will be available in various languages (Korean, English, Japanese, …etc.) to enable as many people as possible to participate.

We are waiting for you!

About us!

Soya Natsuki 2018

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